How to take care of the skin in pregnancy
During the months of pregnancy, due to the hormonal changes that occur in women, alterations in the skin, hair and nails can occur. Most women have skin changes and these are normal and usually go away after pregnancy. We have consulted Cristina Batres, a pharmacist, nutritionist and expert in dermopharmacy about what are the most frequent problems and how to avoid them.

Skin alterations
The increase in estrogen makes the skin more sensitive and reactive, prone to dehydration and itching (gestational pruritus) may appear. There are lotions that can help soothe, it is best to seek advice from a professional, insists the expert.
The appearance of stretch marks, cellulite, varicose veins is also common, and some women even present a dark stripe in the midline of the lower abdomen.

Due to the increase in melanocyte-stimulating hormone, estrogen and progesterone, the dreaded spots on the face , a dark pigmentation called chloasma, melasma or pregnancy cloth, can occur. They are located on the forehead, cheeks, "mustache" area and on the chin. They appear on both sides of the face and are symmetrical. Its edges are irregular.
It is also frequent that certain pathologies such as psoriasis, acne, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis appear for the first time or if they already exist, they can worsen. Although it may also be the case that there is an improvement.
acne usually worsens especially in the third trimester due to increased progesterone levels, which causes an increase in sebaceous secretion. When a woman is breastfeeding, sebum levels may remain high due to prolactin.
Treatments and solutions
Batres recalls that frequently during pregnancy the skin stops tolerating the cosmetics that they normally use, which is why he recommends that the use of irritating ingredients be avoided. Cosmetics are safe during pregnancy and lactation since they do not enter the bloodstream. Although it is unlikely that retinoids affect the fetus, the lack of studies in pregnant people makes us cautious and avoid their use during these months.

To help prevent these changes, it is important to try to avoid the sun in the hours of greatest radiation and to wear a hat and clothing that protects your skin from the sun and to use a good protector broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF50+ on the face and areas exposed to the sun. It is also important during pregnancy and lactation, in addition to using a good sunscreen to moisturize the skin regularly (to avoid the appearance of spots). facial, body and oral hygiene are also essential in this period, warn 123 Pharmacy.
To avoid the appearance of stretch marks, prevention is key and to do so start from the first weeks of pregnancy with the use of anti-stretch mark cosmetics and for leg care.
Most changes fade within several months after giving birth.